Skull Base, The online skull database

How to

360 degree photography

The 360 degree photos are taken by the system Product Photo 360. For the brief description visit the official site.

Skull mounting



Degreasing can be made with several degreasing agents (acetone, washing powder, sodium carbonate, dishwashing liquid or ammonia solution). I always use acetone for beetle-cleaned bones and usually for macerated skulls. Simply merge the skull in acetone for some weeks. For large sized skulls I use washing powder or sodium carbonate. Heat water, add washing powder or sodium carbonate and pour it to the skull. Wait until the water getting cold and repeat the process if it is necessary (two or three times). Rinse the skull with clean water and let it dry. Repeat the degreasing process, if the skull is dried properly but spots of greese can be seen on the skull.

Ammonia solution and dishwashing liquid (white dawn) are widely used in North America. You can find a lot of information about the method on the internet. I tried it once, but wasn't effective and didn't like it.


This step is not necessary. If you like the brownish colour of the skull just skip it. Use hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in volume concentration 1-5 % for skull bleaching. Heat the water to about 60 °C, add the hydrogen peroxide and pour the skull with it. If the skull is well degreased, the bleaching process takes at most 3-4 hours. Rinse the skull with clean water and let it dry. Be careful with bleaching: if you use too strong hydrogen peroxide or the bleaching time is too long, the H2O2 may damage the skull.

Note: If you use acetone for degreasing and want to bleach the skull with hydrogen peroxide, make sure the acetone evaporated properly. Reacting acetone with hydrogen peroxide forms acetone peroxide which is a highly explosive compound!

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