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East African lion

Panthera leo melanochaita

Order: Carnivora

Family: Felidae


Sex: female

Age: adult

Skull length: 30.6 cm

Skull width: 20.2 cm

Skull height: 13.7 cm

Skull weight: 1035 g

Owner: Hungarian Natural History Museum

Inventory number: 3501.6.

Collecting date: May 1926

Collecting area: Semuliki forest, Uganda

Uploaded: 25 March 2018


Note: Inventoried as Panthera leo nubica.

Note: The skull is the property of and the photos are authenticated by the Hungarian Natural History Museum.

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East African lion (Panthera leo melanochaita) skull

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East African lion (Panthera leo melanochaita) skull lateral view East African lion (Panthera leo melanochaita) skull dorsal view East African lion (Panthera leo melanochaita) skull ventral view East African lion (Panthera leo melanochaita) jaw


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